"; } function testingPage () { myWin=open('', 'window', 'status=yes,toolbar=yes,menubar=yes,scrollbars=yes'); myWin.document.open(); myWin.document.write(document.result.endresult.value); myWin.document.close(); } function savePage () { if(document.result.endresult.value=="") { alert('Please click Create and Test buttons first'); } else { parent.myWin.document.execCommand("SaveAs", true, vValue="webpage.htm"); } }

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The purpose of this site is for teachers to be able to quickly and easily create a basic classroom website. The creator engine will generate a page based on the responses of the teacher to a series of questions. Click here to see a sample. The pages can be saved and then sent up to your web host. Click here if  you do not have web space available and you can build your page using a different site that will also host it for you for free.
Website Color Scheme
First, you need to plan the color scheme for your website. You need to choose colors that are visually appealing, but they also need to be legible as well. The background is the color that will appear behind your text. The Title and text colors need to stand out against the color that you chose for the background. Link color is used to make the links stand out from the regular text on your page. The color you choose for the visited links will help let the viewer know which links they have already visited.
Visited Link

This is where you need to enter the main title for your website, as well as a subtitle if you have one. Your title should be both interesting and informative about what the viewer will find on the page. Enter your name as you would introduce yourself to a student. The email address is only to allow students to email you from your site. The information is not stored or used by Mr. McGough's World.
 Website Title:
Teacher Name:
Email Address:

Choose the image that you would like to appear at the top of this web page next to your title. If you would prefer not to have one, you can just select no image.

Page Text
The text is your main source of information on your web page. It is important to keep the information interesting and on topic. You should also make sure that you chunk the information by separating it into paragraphs.

This is where you can enter all of the links that you would like to make available on your web page. Link is the visible text that the user will click on to visit a link. URL is the web address that will take them to the website that your are trying to send them to. Make sure your addresses are exact or they will not work and may take your students to the wrong place.


That's it!

Click below to create your page, then test to see your page. If you like the page, minimize it and then click save to save it to your computer.
